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產品名稱:冷熱刺激測試儀 Cold Hot Plate Test
廠  牌:BioSeb

    The Bioseb Cold and Hot Plate Analgesia Meter is based on a metal plate which can be heated to 65°C and cooled to -3°C (with an ambient temperature between 20°C and 25°C). An electronic thermostat maintains the plate's temperature and a front panel digital thermometer displays the current plate temperature.

    Operation Principle
    The animal's pain sensitivity resulting from exposure to heat or cold is tested by placing the animal (mouse or rat) on the surface of the plate and starting a built-in timer. The operator stops the timer at the instant the animal lifts its paw from the plate, reacting to the discomfort. The front panel timer then displays the number of seconds it took the animal to react. Animal reaction time is a measurement of animal resistance to pain and is used to measure efficacy of analgesics.

    The Bioseb Cold and Hot Plate is designed to be very simple to use at very fast to reach the set temperature (as example From ambient to 4°C, the most used threhold value, it takes less than 10 minutes, and from 4°C to 65°C it takes only 5 minutes) . Metrology wise, is accurate to less than 0,5°C (EEC metrology standard) and perfectly constant in the animal holder system. The preset temperature will not change for more than 0,1°C when a 400g rat is placed on the plate, and return to the set temperature is almost immediate.

    The operator can start and stop the timer with the front panel start/stop switch or with the included footswitch, which allows "hands-free" operation.

    The Cold Hot Plate Test Analgesia Meter can be complemented by a software allowing for temperature "ramps" and “loops”, predefined by the user. This feature is mainly used for studies with telemetry implants. In addition to displaying the reaction time, the Cold/Hot Plate Analgesia Meter is able to send the same information via USB interface to a computer.
    Description may be subject to change in further versions
    Technical specifications

    Temp range -3 degrees C. to 65 degrees C (in 20 to 25 degree C. ambient environment, 50% RH)
    Temp accuracy +/- 0.5 degrees C.
    Temperature uniformity on plate +/- 0.5 degrees C.
    Power requirements 110V/220V automatic, 100W
    Plate Dimensions 165 x 165 mm
    Control unit dimensions 305 x 280 x 158 mm
    Weight 6,650 kg


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