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產品名稱:Eyeblink Conditioning System 眨眼反應測試系統
產品編號:Eyeblink Conditioning System
廠  牌:San Diego Instruments

Eyeblink Conditioning System

For the study of basic learning, psychopharmacology research and investigation into the behavioral consequences of Alzheimer’s


  • A complete, computer-integrated, turn key testing unit for eyeblink conditioning with easy to use menu choices and selectable auditory stimuli
  • Lightweight and comfortable subject headset for administering air puffs
  • White noise or 1KHz auditory stimulus presented in the earphones is software-controlled
  • Full reporting of Alpha, US, and CS responses

Product Overview  (Click here to view the detailed Datasheet or right click to save to local disk.)

SDI’s Eyeblink Conditioning system is used extensively in basic learning studies, psychopharmacology research and in the examination of the behavioral consequences of Alzheimer’s and other diseases. The SDI Eyeblink system components include: Tactile Delivery & Photo Response Unit, Stimulus and Response Modules, Audio-Med earphones and the Eyeblink Conditioning software.

The Eyeblink Tactile Delivery & Photo Response Unit is a lightweight, comfortable headpiece which contains a low power IR Photobeam set and an air puff tube that can be switched between the subject’s right and left eye. It administers low pressure air puffs and records eyeblink responses. (Note: SDI also offers a micro force potentiometer for rabbit eyeblink studies). The Eyeblink Stimulus Module delivers software-controlled auditory and air-puff stimuli. Auditory stimuli can be administered as either a white noise or 1 kHz pure tone in the right, left or in both earphones. The Eyeblink Conditioning System’s software enables you to control all system operations easily through menu-driven choices. Data from a full range of responses is immediately stored to a secure disk file.



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