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產品名稱:Plantar test老鼠腳底熱刺激儀
廠  牌:Ugo Basile Biological research apparatus

The Plantar Test represents a remarkable advance in determination of acute nociceptive thermal threshold in laboratory animals, as it combines the best features of all other methods of measuring pain sensitivity.
Unique to the Plantar Test, the animal is unrestrained and unhandled during experiments.
The 37370 basically consists of a movable I.R. source which the operator glides below a glass pane, upon which a 3-compartment enclosure for rat is positioned; in alternative a 6-compartment enclosure, more convenient for the mouse. The model for mouse is Cat. No.
When the rat feels pain and withdraws its paw, the instrument automatically detects the withdrawal latency to the nearest 0.1s. The 37370 is a microprocessor controlled unit. The experimental data can be directly exported to the PC USB or serial ports. Communication is managed by the dedicated CUB Data Acquisition Software Package, Cat. 52050-10, included as standard. The 37370 is provided with a memory key, for data portability.


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