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產品名稱:Large Animal Ventilators 大動物呼吸器
產品編號:Large Animal Ventilators
廠  牌:NEMI Scientific, Inc.


The NEMI Scientific 101 Series Variable Speed Large Animal Ventilators are designed for use with canines, immature sheep, pigs, and other subjects up to 100kg body weight.

The NEMI Scientific Model 109-D Digital Readout Variable Phase and VariableSpeed Large Animal Ventilators are designed for use with large animals such as canines, sheep, pigs, and other subjects up to 100kg body weight.

The NEMI Scientific Model 111-D Digital Readout Variable Phase and VariableSpeed Large Animal Ventilators are designed for use with large animals such as canines, sheep, pigs, and other subjects up to 100kg body weight.


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