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產品名稱:壓力肌動掃描記錄系統 Pressure Myograph System
廠  牌:Danish Myo Technlogy


The Pressure myograph is a system used to study the structure and function of isolated sections of small vessels (diameter >60 μm) under near physiological conditions. Vessel diameter can be measured as a function of pharmacological and physiological stimuli. The vessel wall and lumen dimensions are particularly important factors in small vessel anatomy and pathology.
  Continuous video measurements of external and internal diameters are made through a window in the base of the myograph. Continuous display of the acquired vessel image can be combined with measurement of vessel dimensions, intravascular pressure, longitudinal force, temperature, luminal flow (optional) and wall calcium concentration (optional). Intravascular pressure or a pressure gradient (user defined to induce flow) over the vessel can be controlled precisely.
  A heating system with electronic feedback maintains the chamber temperature eliminating the costly need for continuous superfusion. The chamber cover includes ports for superfusion, for rapid draining and filling, cumulative addition of drugs and for oxygenation. To facilitate cleaning, the chamber is made of stainless steel and is acid-resistant. Measurements are continuously recorded by a computer and can be transferred via analog outputs to a chart recorder or data acquisition system.
  As an option, the FlowMeter 161FM can be connected in order to measure flow between 15 μl and 1500 μl. 






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