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產品名稱:流速偵測儀161FM Flowmeter
廠  牌:Danish Myo Technlogy


The DMT FlowMeter 161FM is based on novel CMOS technology to actually count and measure volume. Therefore, it is more stable and accurate, independent of the actual flow rate, compared to similar instruments used in microvascular research. This high-quality precision instrument was designed for low-flow measurements under simultaneous pressure control in studies of tubular tissues such as arteries, veins and small ducts. The 161FM FlowMeter is designed as an add-on option to all DMT Pressure Myograph Systems independent of your current hardware. It measures flow in the range of 15 - 1500 μl/min.


The 161FM enables extremely fast and accurate measurements of ultra low liquid mass flow. All measurement data is fully calibrated and temperature compensated by means of an internal microcontroller. Excellent chemical resistance and biocompatibility with the fluid is ensured.


Use of the FlowMeter enables the simultaneous measurement of intravascular pressures in combination with all DMT myographs, with the ability to apply pressure gradients and measuring resulting flow with high accuracy. Combined with the MyoView software for accurate (luminal) vascular diameter measurement, calculations of shear stress are now possible and very accurate, thus enabling detailed in-vitro studies of stress on endothelial function in resistance vessel segments under near in-vivo conditions. Use of intact non-coagulating blood is also possible with the FlowMeter 161FM.




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