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產品名稱:Glutamate Biosensor 腦內麩氨酸偵測器
產品編號:Glutamate Biosensor
廠  牌:Pinnacle Technology, Inc.

Pinnacle's glutamate biosensor is an enzyme-based sensor designed for in vivo use with rats, but it is valuable for a variety of applications including in vitro, in situ and cell culture measurements. When used in combination with the 3102RH (providing wireless, realtime in vivo data acquisition) the versatile glutamate biosensor is an extremely powerful measurement tool for researchers.

  • High sensitivity to glutamate at low (micromolar) concentrations
  • Linear response over a wide concentration range (0-100 uM)
  • Exclusion of endogenous electroactive interferences present in the brain
  • Fast response (1-4s); capable of monitoring the time course of a physiological glutamate release
  • Small, rigid design for precise placement in dendritic fields using a stereotaxic frame
  • Robust connection scheme to data acquisition device
  • Sensor diameter - 170 um



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