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產品名稱:W5 五頻道無線神經紀錄發射器
廠  牌:TBSI

General Description
Triangle BioSystems, Int’l. has developed a high channel count wireless neural headstage system that allows researchers to continuously and simultaneously monitor up to 5 neural
electrodes. No longer do experiments have to be constrained by wiring a test subject to the recording system. The complete system is comprised of a wireless headstage transmitter with
integrated battery, RF signal receiver/baseband demodulator,power supply and all required cables. With an effective range of 3 meters, this system provides a wireless connection
between the implanted electrodes and the data recording system.
In the development of this system, TBSI utilized custom ASIC technology and proprietary radio design techniques to provide high channel count functionality in a wireless headstage that is
both small and light weight (2.7 grams). This design also incorporates neural preamplifier circuitry to create an extremely compact and powerful transmitter.

‧ Wireless operations across 3 meters
‧ Available with 5 channels
‧ Headstage transmitter weight: 2.7 grams
‧ System voltage gain of 600 but can be set to 120 as well
‧ Rechargeable battery with 2.5 hour of battery life
‧ Bandpass filtering per channel at .8Hz to 7kHz typical
‧ 50kHz sampling rate per channel
‧ Operates in unlicensed radio band below FCC limits



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