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產品名稱:Telemetry SNA System (Large Animal)無線遙測交感神經活力偵測系統
廠  牌:ADInstruments Pty Ltd

The ML870B93 Large Animal Telemetry SNA System is configured to record sympathetic nerve activity in animals weighing more than 1 kg using a wireless transmitter and a receiver. The transmitters feature an 8 kHz sampling rate with each transmitter supplied with an independent transmission frequency. The user-replaceable batteries enable long-term, continuous monitoring and remove the need to return units to the manufacturer for battery replacement. A magnetically activated on/off switch is also included to extend the life of the battery. The availability of independent transmission frequencies avoids the need for individual or special housing/barriers for animals. The other advantage with these systems is that the range of the receivers is up to 5 meters.

This research system includes:

*Each transmitter includes 2 large batteries and a large battery casing.



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