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產品名稱:750TOBS Data Acquisition Software
產品編號:750TOBS Data Acquisition Software
廠  牌:Danish Myo Technlogy

The software suite that comes with the DMT Tissue organ bath system - 750TOBS can be installed in two versions and both are supplied with the instrument at no additional charge.


The controller program allows the user full control over all key functions of the organ bath. These include easy calibration of the force transducer and volume flows, setting the volume in each chamber, manual or automated filling/emptying of the chamber and the unique programmable washing routine for long experiments (up to 24 hrs unattended!) that works by overflow rather than empty/fill so the tissue is always submersed in buffer. The software also gives direct visual feedback on whether the fluid control is on and how much buffer is left in the reservoir. Furthermore, it indicates the correct positioning of the chamber, the current temperature of the chamber and current force reading. The software can switch the units between readings in gram or mN.


The integrated data acquisition and analysis program adds the following functions to the full integrated control functions described above;


l          a 4 channel chart recorder style data presentation with user defined event tags and logs.

l          display of one or all channels, zoom functions on the data in time and response range.

l          In the analysis mode you have user-selected cursor and range measurement to a data pad that includes the data and sample statistics such as average, SEM and SD. Data pads can be read as text files and exported to packages such as ExcelR.


As many laboratories work with more than one unit, both versions of the software can be installed twice on a single PC in a user defined side-by-side view or swap mode, depending on how you want your screen layout to be.


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