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產品名稱:Radnoti 16 Chamber Tissue-Organ Bath System 十六頻道離體組織器官研究系統
廠  牌:ADInstruments Pty Ltd

Radnoti Tissue-Organ Bath Systems provide a controlled environment for conducting isolated tissue studies without the influence of in vivo systemic variables. Combined with a PowerLab acquisition system, Bridge Amplifier, Isometric Transducers and Chart software, the configuration provides all the essential components for recording and analyzing data from isolated tissue experiments.

Advantages of the Radnoti tissue-organ baths include:
  • Modular construction enables easy updating/substitution of various chamber sizes
  • Water-jacketed tissue chambers ensure uniform circulation and heating
  • May be used in single-pass or recirculating flow modes
  • Easy-to-use "Quick Disconnect" fittings
  • Sixteen incoming signals can be recorded in real time and displayed with a PowerLab 16/30 data acquisition system. Chart Software provides the power to extract data, analyze and perform calculations on the incoming data in real time.


Ordering Information:
When ordering the ML880B62/C-V please specify the following.
Tissue Chamber size (C)
= 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 or 300 mL
Mains Power (V)
= 115 for 110-115V or 220 for 220-240V

Note: For countries with 115V power service, the Thermo circulator requires a 20 AMPS outlet.
For countries with 220V power service, the Thermo circulator requires a 15 AMPS outlet.



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