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產品名稱:Multi-Chamber Myograph System小血管管壁橫拉張力測量系統
廠  牌:ADInstruments Pty Ltd

A research system for in vitro monitoring of smooth muscle function of up to four separate tissue segments of small arteries, veins and other tubular tissues, such as bronchi and ureter (tissue diameter > 60 μm). The system includes a PowerLab 8/30 with Chart Pro data acquisition system and Multi-Chamber Myograph. The myograph features include stainless steel jaws, built-in control unit, four temperature-controlled chambers, needle valves for individual control of chamber oxygenation, ports for solution removal, micrometers and built-in high-resolution force transducers.

The DMT Normalization Module included in Chart Pro software allows the user to easily and quickly determine and set pre-experimental conditions for the tissue. The module operates with Chart Software on both Windows and Mac operating systems.


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