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廠  牌:ADInstruments Pty Ltd


LabTutor 4 Teaching Suite - The new benchmark in life science laboratory teaching.

The innovative LabTutor 4 Teaching Suite is an integrated solution for life science laboratory courses.  In addition to providing better learning outcomes, it delivers outstanding time and cost savings for departments and institutions.

The software suite includes:

  • LabTutor 4 includes self-contained experiments that cover a wide range of courses and topics
  • LabTutor Server for seamless course administration
  • LabAuthor for customization of experiment content
  • LabTutor Online (optional) for offsite student access to experiments

Student-centered independent learning – LabTutor 4

The LabTutor interface is a student-centered, independent, all-inclusive program, with an ever-growing collection of experiments and exercises. The program allows students to complete experiments with minimal, if any, supervision. Therefore, even if student numbers increase, there is no need for additional supervisory staff. Students are able to cover the scientific background and objectives, follow clear instructions, record and analyze real data, analyze and submit reports, all in a single program.

LabTutor is a single interface for students to perform experiments using real data, complete experimental analysis, and submit reports.

LabTutor experiments cover human physiology, general biology, pharmacology, nursing, psychophysiology, exercise physiology, animal physiology and problem based learning. They are supplied on the LabTutor software DVD with PowerLab Teaching Systems. They are also available from the Lab Tutor Experiments pages where new and updated experiments are added on a regular basis. Improve your students’ learning outcomes and save time and money.

A large variety of experiments and exercises are available for a wide area of study categories.

Single-point course management – LabTutor Server

This interface allows educators to manage any number of courses, classes, students and experiments from a dedicated server machine.  All student lists, student data, course experiments and submitted reports can be accessed from one convenient location.  Entire student lists can be imported to LabTutor Server from external databases, so there’s no need for tedious data entry.  LabTutor Server can be fully administered remotely and provides a central location for backup of student data, and management of student access.  LabTutor Server also makes data available to students outside the laboratory when LabTutor Online is activated.  Save time administering course content and setting up student lists.

LabTutor Server allows the management of any number of experiments and courses.

In the same interface, administrators can upload entire student lists from external databases, and manage all students and student data.

Customize the course content – LabAuthor

If the preconfigured LabTutor experiments do not meet your course requirements exactly, they can easily be customized with LabAuthor.  LabAuthor also allows educators to create new experiments from scratch.  HTML-based multimedia is supported, so video and audio can be included in experiments.  Using LabAutyor, educators can edit and create experimental background information, setup instructions, recording, analysis, and reports. Get total freedom in the content you deliver.

The LabAuthor Welcome Page

LabAuthor allows educators to edit any component of an existing experiment or create entirely new experiments using the Toolbox.

Optional remote access to materials – LabTutor Online

LabTutor Online reduces the time students need to spend in the lab and allows access from anywhere with an Internet connection. Students can preview the experiment and background material prior to the lab, and analyze their recorded data and complete reports afterward.  Educators can also use LabTutor Online to access and review submitted student reports offsite.  All that is needed is an Internet connection and flash-enabled web browser.  Double your laboratory class numbers without additional equipment or staff.

LabTutor Online provides student and educator access to class materials and reports outside the lab.


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