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產品名稱:Plextrode® Microwire Array
產品編號:PlextrodeR Microwire Array
廠  牌:Plexon Inc.

The PlextrodeR microwire arrays are most commonly used in chronic, freely moving animal studies. They are Plexon's best selling electrode array due to both recording reliability and cost efficiency.

Carbo wax is used to ensure that all electrodes are parallel which, is particularly important when deep brain structures are targeted. All of the Plextrode microwire arrays come with a ground and low-impendence reference wire which, when used with Plexon headstages and preamplifiers, assists with common-mode rejection and removal of artifacts.

The Plextrode Series of Electrodes leverages off of over 25 years of experience in electrode manufacturing and design. The microwire array is the standard choice for hundreds of research labs around the world.



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