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產品名稱:Thermocare Intensive Care System Units 動物重症特別護理系統
廠  牌:Thermocare, Inc.

如何選擇適合的 ICS Unit ?
什麼人需要 ThermoCare Unit?

The ThermoCare ICS Unit

The Thermocare Intensive Care System Units support each of the following Requirements:

  • Heat Safely - post operative patients and all cases of hypothermia without "hot spots" in a "Safe Heat" environment.

  • Humidify - the internal atmosphere, operating the Humidifier from an Oxygen line or form our optional Aerator Pump.

  • Nebulize - the internal atmosphere without condensation, operated from an oxygen line or our optional Air Compressor.

  • Medicate - patients in lower respiratory stress with a nebulized mist of 1-3 microns size antibiotic particles.

  • Administer Oxygen - with the Oxygen Air Blender, and/or with the humidifier or Nebulizer to moisten the atmosphere.

  • Anesthetize - small animals (cats, birds, rodents) without trauma, an alternative ICS use as a anesthetic chamber.

  • Isolate - patients having a communicable disease, with or without an optional filter cover over the ICS unit.

  • Transport - a patient in a stable warm environment when trauma or debilitated cases need to be moved.

  • Birth, Brood or Whelp - hypothermic newborns with the "safe heat" of a water lined Warmer and optional cage cover, for chicks, kittens, puppies, rabbits, rodents, reptiles, and small non-human primates.

  • Incubate -  eggs, or newborns needing controlled heat therapy, oxygen and/or medicated nebulization after birth.

Available in two configurations, each with three sizes:

ICS Unit with Flat Cover

  • Small ICS - 26"Length x 17"Width x 6.5" compartment Height

  • Medium ICS - 33"Length x 27"Width x 12" compartment Height

  • Large ICS - 42"Length x 27"Width x 25" compartment Height

ICS Unit with Dome Cover

  • Small ICS - 26"Length x 17"Width x 15" compartment Height

  • Medium ICS - 33"Length x 27"Width x 25" compartment Height

  • Large ICS - 42"Length x 27"Width x 25" compartment Height



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