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產品名稱:Open Circuit System
產品編號:Stoelting Open Circuit
廠  牌:Stoelting Co.


Stoelting has configured an open circuit system (without absorption chamber or breathing bag) for scientists who work only with rodents and small animals. The tidal volumes of small (<7kg) animals do not allow for an absorption chamber and recycling. A slow flow of gas from the vaporizer output is released at the animal's nose.

This instrument must be used with the animal under a hood, or with a scavenger such as the 50206 Fluovac Scavenger. The open circuit systems include a lower volume flowmeter (1-1000 cc) that provides better resolution when working only at low flows suitable for rodents. Furnished complete with a VIP-3000 vaporizer and a portable 5-legged stand. A special gas mask (No. 51610) for stereotaxic surgery with rats is available.

O2 Flow Meter 1-1000 cc/min
Vapor Concentration 0.5-5%
Flow Rate Compensation Automatic
Temperature Compensation Automatic




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