醫學教育醫學教具/臨床技術模擬器系列護理技術 (Nursing Skills)

產品編號:LF1193U, LF01194U
廠  牌:Nasco

Special needs infants require specific yet gentle care which includes the performance of vital medical procedures. This newborn-size infant allows health care facilities and medical staff to teach special procedures and develop a nursing care plan for special needs infants. The simulator was developed for a wide range of educational training, including beginning nursing students. Medical devices that can be used include: suction catheter, gastrostomy tube, nasogastric tube, and urethral catheter. Carry bag included. Tracheostomy and gastrostomy tubes not included.
Procedures that can be practiced include:
‧ Tracheostomy care (lavage and suctioning)
‧ Gastrostomy care (lavage and gavage)
‧ Nasogastric care (placement, lavage, gavage, and suctioning)
‧ Urethra catheterization (insertion, placement, and care)
‧ Colostomy stoma (basic care purposes only)



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